Concierge Choice

The Concierge’s Choice

We were thrilled to announce the Top 3 for the Concierge’s Choice Category, which was introduced for the first time this year. There were quite a number of entries all had great merit but the Top 3 were outstanding. 

Sasha-Simone van Zyl, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve 
Masood Sadulla, Saxon Hotel, Villas & Spa 
Bradley Solomons, The Table Bay (Sun International) 

The role of the Concierge in any of the great hotels of the world has always been a vital one. Often the face of the hotel, playing a most extraordinary part in giving the hotels that they serve an enviable reputation. Their guests are cosseted in the finest sense of the word. They always know the best-kept secrets, where to go, how to obtain the unobtainable, where to dine ~ ultimate gems that make every traveller’s experience a memorable one. 

The Concierge’s Choice ~ a diverse wishlist of 15 activities ~ what every concierge considers are the choicest destinations in their city for a traveller to experience during their limited stay. 

Our very discerning judges were Horst Frehse, one of the greats in the hotel industry with huge experience and Jamie-Lee Ackerman who is the President of the Young Skål International Cape Town. Young Skål International is a division of the Skål International organization, specially created for students and young professionals in the field of tourism. 

Together they had a discerning eye and an understanding of what the role of a good Concierge is, how they play a pivotal role in each establishment. They are the front line and play a most meaningful part. 

The winning Concierges received exquisite diamond-studded, hand-crafted gold lapel pins from the Diamond Works Institute. Stunning!

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