South Africa is among the 80 co-sponsoring countries, demonstrating its commitment to promoting sustainable tourism practices. UN Tourism has announced 2027 as the International Year of Sustainable and Resilient Tourism. At the organization’s headquarters in Madrid, UN Tourism leaders welcomed ambassadors from 24 Member States, including His Excellency Farrukh Tursunov of Uzbekistan, which sponsored the resolution, […]

Toast to the Best: Prize-Winning Cocktails and a Smoothie Delight

KWV Brandy VS Cocktail Presented by Danièle Strydom CHEFS TRAINING & INNOVATION ACADEMY CHEESECAKE BRANDY COCKTAIL 5 g Cinnamon bark1 LemonGold, cut into eight wedges25 ml KWV Potstill VS Brandy1/2 tsp ClemenGold Concentrate*100 ml Clarified Cheesecake Base*3 drops Saline Solution*1 square ice1 sphere iceCitrus Essence*  Glassware: Tumbler Place the cinnamon bark on a fire proof counter […]

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