As always, the Orientation Workshops are the perfect place for our candidates to network, get to know one another, and prepare to enjoy the wonderful line-up of excellent speakers who will plot the way ahead. These speakers provide our candidates with the tools they need, offering thoughtful insights and allowing time and space for much reflection.
The Inter-Hotel Challenge Orientation Workshop ~ Monday 5th August 2024, hosted at Southern Sun The Edward, Durban with MC Sandy Harper
Chania Morritt-Smith SHOWCOOK ~ Team Spirit
Nicole Munro GM Southern Sun The Edward ~ A Warm Welcome
Hugh von Zahn (Head Judge) ~ A Competitive Edge
Paula Visser ~ Avanti Coffee Barista Workshop
Lorna Gourlay Concierge Judge ~ Crucial Communication
Tracy James Tastic Rices of the World ~ An Indispensable Grain

Fatima Stanley (Food Judge) ~ The Art of Plating
Prescillia Avenel-Delpha MD Trace+ ~ Unlock your creativity with Trace+
Jean-Philippe Avenel L’Atelier Paris ~ A Path to Perfection
Kirtanya Maharaj WWF-SA ~ SASSI Green Light
Fish 4 Africa ~ Anything fresher is still swimming
LemonGold® Seedless Lemons ~ 1st Class at its best!
LANCEWOOD ~ Q&A Prize ‘Ultimate Lancewood Pastry Chef of the Year 2024’

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

Karen Bloom (CWM) (Food & Wine Pairing Judge) ~ Wine & Society
Bio-Wheat ~ A Natural Harvest for Sustainability
Deon Roets CTIA-Chefs Training & Innovation Academy ~ Invitation
Marcelle Laubscher FRÜT SA ~ Taste the Delicious of Nature
Brenda Wilkinson Rio Largo Olive Estate ~ Olive Oil of Distinction
Ntokozo Ndlela International Hotel School Invictus and Summit SAE Institute ~ Learning the International Way!
Hand Harvested Khoisan Sea Salt ~ Once tasted, never forgotten
Sandy Harper (CWM) (Wine Steward Judge) Cape Wine Academy ~ Let’s learn about Food & Wine Pairing ‘Cause & Effect’
Collect Stock for Wine Steward, Hot Chef, Pastry Chef & Baker

#InterHotelChallenge2024 #Showcook